Hi folks!xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /?
As anyone starts blogging nowadays it seems to be a must for a developer having such a thing :-). So just some information about me:
I am working as a Developer Evangelist for Microsoft xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” /?Austria since October 2002. Before starting at Microsoft I have done several large and small projects based on Microsoft Technology. Early projects where based on DCOM, COM+ with C++ and VB6. Afterwards I have done some SAP Business Connector (knowing Java a little bit, too) and Biztalk Server EAI and B2B projects. In early 2002 I have started working with Beta 2 of Visual Studio .NET 2002 developing ASP.NET web applications as well as a framework for ASP.NET portal solutions (similar to the Web Part things offered by Windows SharePoint Services nowadays or ASP.NET 2.0 in Whidbey timeframe J).
Since working for Microsoft I am focusing on some core topics around .NET like XML, Web Services as well as Smart Clients. I really like this job because requirements are changing nearly all the day J.
As a Developer Evangelist I am responsible for our community www.dotnetexperts.at and I am in very close contact to our UserGroups:
I am very proud that we have a SQL Server UserGroup in Austria, too: http://www.sqlexperts.at!!